Now we've got news;)
It seems that the BIG MOVIE is on its way!!!!!!
It's called The Transfer, and Danya's got one of the leading parts!!!!
The movie takes us back to the World War II times and describes military pilots who were transferring (there The Transfer, got it?) war-planes across the country. The planes, leased from the USA, were called Airocobras. In WW II there was no direct transfer of the planes from Alaska to Murmansk, instead, the militaries took them first to Chukotka, got them re-equipped a bit, and then transferred them to Murmansk. The movie is all about the pilots, their lives and adventures. The transfer was not an easy piece becuase of extremely low temperatures and iced fuselage, causing numerous deaths.
The original story took place in Chukotka (something above the Polar circle), the footage was taken in Murmansk and its neighborhood.
Imagine that - the crew assembled two Airocobras of the original size!
AND! They promise us a love affair!! You see, it was American female pilots bringing the planes from America to Chukotka, whereas Soviet male pilots were supposed to transfer them further to Murmanks. And there’ll be a love affair somewhere between one of the Soviet pilots and the American girl!!!
Considering Danya is the most gorgeous man living on this Earth, and he’s the only one deserving love affairs, guess what I’m thinking about heheheheh.
And the casting directors announced a tender among the students of Novgorod University, so as to choose 8 beauties with fluent American English. Living in the States for at least one year was a must;)
The footage is still going on these days, up until end of July… this may be the reason Danya dropped Romeo and Juliet play;)
So girls, they promise us a thrilling movie, which is supposed to be released this winter;)